Dolsky Physical Therapy PC

Balance Training

Balance Training services offered in Forest Hills and Queens, NY

Each year, about one in four adults ages 65 and older experience a slip and fall injury. Specialized physical therapy reduces your risk of a fall. At Dolsky Physical Therapy PC, in New York City, experienced physical therapist Alexander Dolsky, DPT, and the team provide balance training to senior citizens and other people who want to maintain their mobility and independence. To make an appointment, call the office in Forest Hills, Queens, or book online today.

Balance Training Q&A

What is balance training?

Balance training is a type of physical therapy designed to strengthen the muscles in your abs, legs, and core. It uses a combination of stretches, manual therapies, and exercises to improve stability and prevent falls.

At Dolsky Physical Therapy PC, Alexander and the team work one-on-one with individuals to develop custom balance training programs. Routine checkups and at-home activity modifications can make all the difference and improve your quality of life.

What conditions can benefit from balance training?

You might be a candidate for balance training if you have:

  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease (PD)

You might also benefit from balance training if you’ve lost your balance or coordination due to the natural aging process. Alexander and the team can recommend stretches and exercises to help you maintain your independence.

What happens during a balance training consultation?

At Dolsky Physical Therapy PC, a balance training consultation begins with a review of your medical records and a discussion of your symptoms, including when you first noticed a loss of balance and if you use a mobility device, like a cane or a walker.

Next, Alexander conducts a physical exam. He also conducts a series of tests to assess your balance, muscle strength, reflexes, and coordination. He might also order X-rays, a CT scan, or an MRI to take a closer look at your bones, joints, and soft tissues. 

After gathering the necessary information, Alexander and the team make recommendations for treatment.

What does balance training involve?

At Dolsky Physical Therapy PC, balance training involves a combination of modalities. Alexander and the team might recommend:

  • Yoga or tai chi
  • Walking while alternating knee lifts 
  • Standing up and sitting down (without using your hands)
  • Using equipment, like a Bosu® ball, to enhance your balance
  • Putting your heel in front of your toe (like you’re walking a tightrope)
  • Manual therapies, like massaged

As your balance improves, Alexander might ask you to hold the position(s) for longer, add additional movement to each pose, or close your eyes. 

To ensure a positive and lasting outcome, it’s important to practice the exercises at each check-up and in-between visits at home.

To see if you’re a candidate for balance training, make an appointment at Dolsky Physical Therapy PC, call the office, or book online today.